Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hey, Where is that Video?

Are you looking for a Daily Bible Reading Video from last week and can't find it? Check the very bottom of this page for the video bar, it keeps the four most recent videos available. For earlier videos check out the mojokite channel on YouTube!

Hebrews 1:13,14

Friday, February 29, 2008

John 1:14-18

Isn't It Obvious?

Last week, Drake and I were having breakfast when he discovered the back of the Reese’s Puffs cereal box. There the following "18 Things to Do Before You’re 18" were listed.

1. Ride the world’s largest roller coaster.
2. Bungee jump!
3. Score the winning goal/basket (RUN!).
4. Win an award, trophy or prize.
5. Learn to play an instrument.
6. Go backstage at a gig.
7. Meet your idol.
8. Play a part in your favorite TV show.
9. Meet someone with your own name.
10. Make a discovery.
11. Get away with the perfect practical joke.
12. Own a pointless collection.
13. Invent a word that makes it into the dictionary.
14. Conquer your biggest fear.
15. Raise money for charity.
16. Pass your driving test the first time.
17. Complete a road trip from coast to coast.
18. Reach 18 years of age – yes!

As we skipped around through the list, we speculated on our interest or ability to complete each of the suggested tasks. Time seemed to stop when Drake encountered item number 7.

“Number seven. Meet your idol. Well, I can’t do that,” declared Drake.

Me, being the curious, but not so clever parent, asked, “Why not?”

Drake responded with a full hand slap-to-the-forehead and obvious answer, “Dad, He’s in heaven.”

It took me a minute to get it. Time restarted. I began to wonder why that answer was not so obvious to me, also, but thanked God that it was so very clear to my seven year old son.

Hebrews 1: 10-12

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hebrews 1:6-9

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oops! I am a Blogging Rookie.

Okay, apparently I had the settings
for making comments turned up
to make it extremely difficult and
requiring you to jump through a lot
of hoops.

Sorry about that!
It should be much easier now!


Food Drive for Contact Church of Christ

Please bring donations of canned fruit to the Jars of Clay class during the month of March for the Contact Church Food Bank. Thanks!

Uncle Timmy Needs You!

Do you like to read the Bible?
Do you like to read the Bible out loud?
You are EXACTLY who we are looking for!
Participate in our Daily Video Bible Readings.
Give me a call at 808-3462,
or send an email to

John 1:1-5

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hebrews 1: 1-5

Sunday, February 24, 2008

QOW: question of the week

Think of an unusual fact about yourself to share in class, or to share online. (Click on "comments" link below to share your thoughts.) Example: Tim is a fan of Joan Jett and butterflies, Trish drinks Hershey's chocolate syrup straight from the bottle, Gigi eats yellow and orange M&M's first because they are her least favorite colors.